

Big Baby Taylor, R.I.P. My long lost guitar found its way to the Moor Hause on Saturday...in two pieces. I think that and the pictures says enough. If your'e reading this, you probably know how important that guitar is to me...so when i saw the head snapped off, I pretty much freaked out. i'm trying really hard to have a good attittude about it. there are a lot worse things that could have happened...i could have lost ALL my bags...the plane COULD have crashed! as much as my guitar means so much more than the average inantimate object, i can get another one. and i'm planning on keeping this one and turning it into some kind of piece of art. maybe i'll decoupage it with postacards from places i've been...or maybe train/plane tickets or SOMETHING. it's kind of funny that the same thing happened to mom going to senegal. like mother like daughter i guess. you would think i would learn, huh?! well i titled this entry as bitterSWEET...meaning there's some sweet in there. basically, everyone is SO nice about it. a lot of the kids play the guitar and didn't bring it so they know what its like to not have one here...and the guys that did bring guitars offered to let me play theirs whenever i want. i know that doesn't sound like much, but i know how it is to be really protective about musical instruments and they have really nice guitars so it's just a really nice offer. i think i'm having a easier time dealing with it because i don't have much free time right now and people are constantly just asking me how i'm doing and how the whole situation is working out. Herr Daugherty (the director) is doing his best to work with the airline to get a full refund and to replace the guitar with another big baby....so we'll see how that goes. I'm going to keep this one short...i'm pretty exhausted from the weekend and the week. on average, we're walking about 8-9 miles a day (just on an average day)...but if we're going to the train station or leaving heidelberg, tack on a couple more miles to that number. on sunday, i went with some friends on a train to the next town, ledingsburg, for a german festival/flea market. it was really fun...had my first bratwurst (not bad)...and some kids had some german beer! it was authentic stuff...really fun! lots of music, lots of locals, lots of walking, lots of bratwurst. whoot. other pictures are from the trip to the castles in Vierburgenstadt (the land of four castles)...we took a boat down the Neckar river and got to spend the day there. cute town, but not much really happening there...the four castles were awesome though! tschuss for now.

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