
Getting Real, Getting Right


Hey Peeps --

Seems as though I blinked and Christmas and New Years have come and gone. Seriously?! What happened to 2010? Instead of boring you with a summary of my highs and lows of the past year, I'm going to simply forge ahead. In order to do so, I need to re-visit some of the posts I started to write last year and never ended up finishing. Typical? There are quite a few so please bear with me! I promise only to salvage the memories worth keeping...

That said, here goes!

November 11, 2010

It's that time again. I swear I must get on my co-workers nerves with my song/album fixation habits. Can I help that when I like something, I really get into it? At least for a few weeks?

This time it's Sufjan's latest album: Age of Adz. I was so lucky to score at ticket to see Sufjan when came he through LA last month. I've been a long time lover of this folk-y banjo/symphony tunes and like everyone else, was skeptical when I first heard his new sound. However, seeing the music hand-in-hand with hearing it live was what it took to push me over the ledge to obsession. Sufjan's charming story-telling, crazy visuals, costumes, and goofy dance moves didn't help.

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