
Weekend Vacation

deb's chewy cripsy cookies

cookie sandwich mmm!

neko's bedroom eyes

jackies shelf

My usually tooooo healthy roommates actually encouraged me to bake cookies this weekend so I made these: the best chocolate chip cookies you'll ever make. I think I've posted this recipe before - and if you haven't tried it yet, you must! I am known to be an awful cook and even I can pull these off. Thank you, Smitten Kitchen, for not making me seem like an absolute failure in the kitchen.

The rest of the weekend comprised of sleeping in with the kittehs, an upcycle home improvement project that involved using my new dremel saw, amazing brunches, 78 degree weather, walking to the library, pizza and organizing my life. With tax season in full force I have to make sure I have my life in order right? See Dad, I'm growing up...slowly.

Weekends are my favorite.

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