
Weekend Vacation

New lives for our apartment
She doesn't even have to curl them.

I was semi-on-top of things this weekend. Cleaned, did mini projects, caught up on the blogosphere, bought and potted some new plants...and downloaded the instagram app on my phone. Can you tell I'm a little hooked? Look at that vintage Neko! So precious.

Also, those are Jackie's God-given eyelashes...I was so jealous of her length that I asked for a close-up.

Love lazy hazy weekends at home!


To kick off the week, here are some things I'm excited for...
-- a new Woody Allen comedy shot in Paris.
-- potentially making these mac n' cheese bites this week? Just kidding. Someone already beat me to the punch before I could even publish this post! See?
Smack and cheese bites
-- another Wednesday night movie on the deck with good friends? This week is ET! 
-- finishing this book 

1 comment:

Janae Nicole said...

Orrrrr Vicki Christina Barcelona tonight on the deck???

Liz and I are going. Shoot me a text if you want in on this Casual Monday activity.